The story of our boutique hotel in Florence centre should start with Franco, our father, finding in him the first main character, the creative spirit. He was a painter (in the “small home gallery” you will also find some of his paintings, evocating his thoughts and life), a passionate baritone and above all a superlative antique dealer. He grew up his kids (Eleonora and Bruno) as two art lovers.
When we were children often the furniture changed, from a large and wide table, for example, we could pass to smaller one, with the understandable sorrow of Veria, our mother, who had to make the tablecloths once again. These were the needs of a family of antique dealers. Contemporary elements intertwined with the antique furnishings, just like now: looking around you will be able to travel in time, from the ancient objects to the most modern.
We, Eleonora and Bruno Botticelli, grew up here, in a dynamic atmosphere, ready to welcome guests and friends, especially on occasions like Christmas Eve. There was a tradition, on the 25th of December: at the end of the lunch, we started preparing tasty dishes again, for the evening. Everyone was invited to join us at the party. Some friends joined us for a coffee or a greet, others stayed with us until the morning.
When we were young adults our house also became a location enhancing what in the 80s some called "new Florentine Renaissance", here there were designers, artists of all kinds and poets. Close your eyes and try to imagine this boutique hotel animated by discussions, dinners, toasts, new creations, intimate exhibitions and fascinating vitality.
Nowadays, as renowned owners of the Botticelli gallery of antiquities and works of art, in via Maggio, we still continue the passion handed down almost genetically by our dad, while we are also ready to welcome you in this boutique hotel, offering the opportunity of unique, exclusive and tailored stays.
Casa Botticelli, the art of hospitality, emotions’ gallery.